


Well, here it is folks, The book everyone has been waiting for……

Mike Abramson “The Godfather to Fancy Serial Numbered Currency”

#270 PAGE Colorized Guidebook to Fancy Serial Numbered Large and Small Size Currency.

This book has past and current pricing of all types of serial numbers. Databases for the most important of rare serial numbers. Photos of rare fancy serial numbers on both large and small-size currency. “Many that have not been seen for decades, or even unearthed from being sold privately”. This book is packed with information for both beginner and advanced collectors. From 1862 to the present series, countless amounts of information about serial #1 notes, ladder serial numbers, ten million notes, solid serial numbers, radars, repeaters, and specimen notes. Even special serial numbers on Canadien.

Mike Abramson has been in the buying and selling of fancy serial numbers for over Fifty years. Lots of information throughout this book. Recommended for anyone who collects and enjoys special serial numbers.

Delivered U.S.P.S MEDIA MAIL $49.95 IN STOCK